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On 14 June, 2013, IT specialists are able to attend the above mentioned seminar in Kiev. It will be dedicated to data storage systems and their performance. Representatives of IBM corporation will not only present reports but also will show int...

11.06.2013368 просм.

On March 28, 2013, you are able to visit the most popular IT conference in Moscow. Key topics of the above mentioned event: Cloud computing Data processing center Data storage IT-services for business IT security To get more informa...

25.03.2013308 просм.

This blog is about new product of DataCore Software company called SANsymphony-V. You may find in it main advantages and features of this software. SANsymphony-V - is special type of software which enables you to virtualize data storage systems. U...

15.01.2013396 просм.

On January 15, 2013, expert in data storage - Alex Yakovlev will run this webinar. To get more information or register, follow the link (ru)....

11.01.2013285 просм.

SANsymphony-V is a multifunctional IT solution. It has some key advantages compared to older releases or IT solutions of other vendors. The main advantage is the freedom to choose any device appropriate to your IT sytem. It means that your company i...

27.11.2012360 просм.

DataCore Software presents new IT solution for Storage Virtualization - SANsymphony-V. This new software solves the "Big Problem"  standing in the way of your virtualization projects. You may take your storage to the next level with the first and o...

27.11.2012389 просм.

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