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Web application testing: Rob Lambert, ‘the Social Tester’

08.05.20144469 просм.

Quick bullets:

  • Social tester Rob Lambert speaks about web-site testing and his book
  • Social testing explained
  • Web testing advises


Rapid expansion of Internet technologies and services means growing demand for web-sites and web-applications testing. And methods and tools for web testing are not the same as for a desktop testing. Web testers today have access to a broad range of tools and resources, and among those is ebook from Robert Lambert “36 Days of Web Testing”. Rob Lambert, more known as “The Social Tester”, wrote this book based on his years of practical experience in the area of web testing.

Rob has background in social science and adopted social media as soon as it appeared, so naturally applied social aspects to testing practices. He has his own web resource to promote his ideas and opinions. And “36 Days of Web Testing” is more like 36 lessons for the testers, to help them advance their understanding of the process.

Three most important lessons from the book are about browser extensions, Web accessibility and the client- and server-monitoring. EBook is free and can be easily found, so we suggest reading it to anyone who wants to get a better understanding on web-testing, and even developers may learn some things to watch for. But whether you read the book or not, we agree with the main advice Rob has to anyone who is new to web-testing – Practice.

For the whole story read our post (in Russian).

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