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The counters listed in this section include the most important counters for performance and workload characterization. They do not include counters that are not compatible with IIS 6.0. Note: When monitoring .NET Web-based applications it is recommen...

18.11.201332494 просм.

Overview Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is the world's second most popular Web server after the Apache HTTP Server. IIS is available within all Windows operating system editions in different flavors. It is constantly evolving and matu...

18.11.20131382 просм.

Build verification tests are sometimes called the rolling build or the nightly build. On a regular or a continuous basis, the build service compiles and tests the software that has been checked into the source tree. If a test fails—or worse, if the s...

07.10.2013615 просм.

Unit tests typically work by calling methods in the interface of the code under test. However, if you have developed a user interface, a complete test must include pressing the buttons and verifying that the appropriate windows and content appear. Co...

01.10.20131174 просм.

If the component that you are developing depends on another component that someone else is developing at the same time, then you have the problem that you can’t run your component until theirs is working. A less serious issue is that even if the oth...

09.09.2013739 просм.

Most of the applications developed with Microsoft technology use the .NET framework. This framework provides a good platform for both the development and running of applications. It also provides counters to measure and monitor performance of the app...

03.09.2013418 просм.

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